Infini prepares for maiden drilling on Canadian uranium hits

The second key structure is a line of pronounced north-south faulting that appears to form the eastern boundary of the corridor.
With the south-westward divergence of the western (contact) boundary away from the eastern (faulted) boundary and with mineralisation remaining more closely aligned with the eastern boundary, it seems some other structural influence on mineralisation than just the corridor boundaries may also be at play.
That influence may be primarily structural, for the strongest anomalism in the corridor sits within a zone featuring multiple complementary diagonal tensional shears, link structures and intense smaller-scale fracturing.
The density of these structures within a relatively small area point to some form of corridor-parallel shatter-zone possibly resulting from over-thrusting that may have opened up numerous conduits for mineralisation.
Infini’s managing director and chief executive officer Charles Armstrong said: “Infini’s in-country geological and diamond drilling contractors and support staff are now mobilising to commence our Portland Creek maiden diamond drill program. We are excited to be collecting comprehensive mineral exploration data throughout the drill campaign that will allow the company to make detailed observations and decisions quickly and efficiently in the field as we test the location of a potential primary source for our exceptionally high-grade uranium in soil results.”
The company says following environmental assessment and clearance, its staff has begun clearing light vehicle access from the west into the north-western corner of the Talus site, reducing its reliance on helicopters for transport.
The additional access will enable the crews to maintain better accessibility for bigger loads and during poor weather and could prove a lifesaver in emergencies.
Snow clearing and camp support will be provided under an agreement with the local owners of Mountain Waters Resort. Additional work is in train to establish temporary drill core handling structures, including two tents for core logging, one tent for core cutting and racks for temporary core storage.
Infini is also setting up for its core photography data storage to tie-in directly with its 3D geological modelling software.
Other core handling and logging tools will include a handheld gamma-ray spectrometer, portable X-ray fluorescence, downhole spectral gamma ray and televiewer, with the other usual geological logging tools, software and processes.
The source of the uranium mineralisation at Portland Creek has teased the company and uranium followers long enough and they are all likely waiting with bated breath to see what riches Infini’s maiden drilling can uncover. Infini plans to kick off drilling in about 10 days.
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